
From hell to heaven

By 1 February 2025No Comments

My story about Norfolk Island Nirvana is running in Traveller in the Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne Age, Brisbane Times, etc It’s fascinating to hear what a tough place it was back in 1788 when the British tried to turn it into their second main colony, after Sydney. I researched it for my new historical novel The Governor, His Wife and His Mistress and was amazed to discover all the challenges — shipwrecks, cyclones, plagues of grubs which ate all the food, rebellions … It was an absolute disaster for the settlers and the man who later became the third governor of the colony, Philip Gidley King, who lived there for so long. Such colourful stuff, and amazing when you look at what an idyll it’s become.

#norfolkisland #thegovernorhiswifeandhismistress #norfolkislandnirvana #traveller

Sue Williams

Author Sue Williams

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